SPAR KZN Schoolgirls’ Hockey Challenge Take Two Paused In almost a carbon copy of last

EXHIBITION POSTPONED UNTIL THE NEW YEAR ‘We don’t find beauty; we make the world beautiful

Piano concerts adapting to change One of the country’s most prolific and accomplished concert pianists,

The KZN Youth Orchestra in Concert St Thomas Church: Sun 29 Nov at 11am The

Swales Online Academy at Durban High School – Exploring a new way of learning Durban

With Bilal Kathrada: Founder / CEO IT varsity John Sanei: Futurist / Author / Speaker

Exclusive to DSTV’s Box Office from 3 July The Song of Names: Videovision Entertainment’s evocative

FROM TOP SOUTH AFRICAN THEATRE DIRECTOR STEVEN STEAD Steven Stead is a multi-award winning, widely

The Denis Hurley Street Lit vendors, supported by the booksellers of Mzanzi, held a small

Durban and Pietermaritzburg SPAR Women’s 10km/5km Challenge Cancelled The much-loved Durban and Pietermaritzburg SPAR Women’s

Pietermaritzburg City Hall: Sun 24 May, 6.30am 60 of Msunduzi’s Christian faith leaders will participate

The Piano Passion Project in honour of Darius Brubeck Over twenty pianists feature in online

Seven mates relay run “the Comrades” to raise funds for Covid-19 relief Inspired by the

KZN Churches launch “Hope Vouchers” as part of their ongoing food relief. A coalition of

Captain Tom Moore who turned 100 today, raised 30million pounds sterling for NHS U.K. through

Over the Easter lockdown holiday, composer, Nic Paton, re-released Valley of the Shadow – Rites

During this time of uncertainty and anxiety, many of my friends are at the coalface

The last time that we were immersed in a story like this, it happened in