Lock Down Walk for CANSA

Captain Tom Moore who turned 100 today, raised 30million pounds sterling for NHS U.K. through sponsorship from walking 100 laps in his garden. He has received International recognition for this achievement. His goal was 20,000 pounds.
Cansa Durban, inspired by Captain Tom is planning to do the same in order to raise funds for Mkhuhla Care Home and TLC Lodge, both of which provide accommodation to out of town patients whilst on cancer treatment in Durban. Cancer does not go away during ‘lock down’ and cancer patients are particularly vulnerable whilst on treatment. Many hospitals in KZN have had to close on account of staff testing positive for the Corona Virus.
Inkosi Albert Luthuli Hospital has a paediatric cancer ward which is completely closed to any visitors including parents. We are accommodating in TLC Lodge, a family from far out of town who has a child undergoing treatment at IALH. Throughout the ‘lock down’ we have accommodated many adult patients as usual who are able to continue with their treatment.
Joan Deare who will be 80 next week is recovering from a fractured pelvis and spine, has a history of orthopaedic surgery and is also a colon cancer survivor, will be leading the charge on crutches!
Joan will walk 100 laps or 15,000 steps in her garden before celebrating her birthday on May 1
Cansa is encouraging individuals with gardens, residents in retirement homes and anyone who relates to the issue to compete and raise sponsorship for Cansa Durban at this time.
The number of laps is optional and can be done over a period of time starting when convenient and finishing by the time lock down ends.
Hopefully Cansa will raise R26,000. For more information please contact me 079 691 9973 or Morne Holloway on 072 883 5987
We will be setting up a Givegain page where donations can be made online.
Telephone number:
If you want to get involved, please register and mail back to mholloway@cansa.org.za

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