Hilton Arts Festival
The 27th Hilton Arts Festival boasts a more streamlined, quality bespoke market highlighting the importance of locally made goods, organic food and home-made crafts.
The Festival is proud to announce that there is a new layout to the craft market and that every effort has been made to ensure that all stalls will be selling quality goods. These goods range from many with an African flavour – beadwork, baskets, metal sculpture and wonderful schwe -schwe fabric garments to a wide range of home-made household goods – placemats, environmentally produced towels and picnic baskets. There is a wide selection of non-factory made clothing, shoes and handbags, funkily decorated T-shirts, pottery, woodwork and Nguni skin products. Several ranges of kiddies clothing are on sale as well as a wide selection of plants and jewellery.
The care of our fragile environment is high on the festival’s agenda. Several stalls situated in the Amphitheatre area are devoted to the sale of goods that assist households to become enviro friendly and to promote recycling. Look out for Goby the fish ….he eats plastic !!! Be sure to stock up on beeswax wraps that will effectively eliminate clingwrap in your home.
An essential part of the craft market is made up of food stalls. Lovers of good coffee have no fewer than six outlets to choose from, Jackie Cameron will be serving tea and cakes and, for those with a sweet tooth, there is no lack of supply of sugar laden deliciousness: from sweet stuffed waffles and cupcakes, to ice cream and a bakery. Do not panic all, you Banting enthusiasts …meat is in great supply as well as top quality cheese stalls. If the vegans and vegetarians are still reading (!) we have three great eateries lined up for you and those wanting something fresh rather than cooked to eat. Never fear, fast food fiends….it’s all there for you as well.
Of course, we are all hoping for a refreshing drink as well. The Stella Artois Festival Marquee will run a full bar as will the Crookes Craft Beer Bistro with a selection of popular brands. You can also find a gin and bubbles bar in the Extreme Chill Zone.
The motto of the story: come and do your festive season shopping (it’s only a few months away!) , eat well and join us for a drink and good music. Entrance to the grounds and the craft market is free of charge as is entrance into the licenced areas.
Bookings are open online – www.hiltonfestival.co.za – where you can also download the full programme and a list of where hard copy programmes are available. You can also book at the Box Office at Hilton College should you not wish to book online. Payments online are either by credit card or EFT – all instructions are on the site which is secure. All queries on 033 383 0126 / theatre@hiltoncollege.com
The Festival is presented by Hilton College and tiso blackstar in association with Grindrod, Black Coffee, Extreme Events, DWR, Absa, Bidvest Car Rental, FNB, KZN Dept of Art & Culture, BASA, Southern Sun PMB, Stella Artois, Redlands Hotel, Martizburg Sun, Caxton, SA Artist, Loud Crowd Media, Sappi.
New Look Bespoke Market