Four busy performers are goofing off and enjoying some precious quiet time ahead of a busy week, to honour world “Chocolate Mint” day – a calendar date supported by chocolate confectioners to encourage sampling of chocolate mint in all its guises, today, Sat 19 Feb.
Actors / comedians Lisa Bobbert and husband Aaron Mcilroy are presenting a fabulous frolic, Go Big! at the Seabrooke’s Theatre at DHS from Thursday 24 until Sunday 13 March, taking a gentle and funny prod at life for performers in a post Covid world – directed by Daisy Spencer.
KZNPO musicians Charl van der Merwe (Principal Bassoon) and Annamaria D’Andrea (viola) are performing in the KZN Philharmonic Orchestra’s World Symphony Series Summer Season which launches in The Playhouse Opera on Thursday 24 February at 7pm. The season runs weekly on Thursdays at this time, until 17 March.
Go Big! tickets through
KZNPO tickets through Quicket.