Date: 15 March 2019 from 11am
Assemble at Durban Marina
Will end latest 14:00
Youth 4 Climate Action, also known in various regions as Fridays for Future, Youth for Climate or School Strike 4 Climate, is a growing international movement of pupils and students who, instead of attending classes, are taking part in demonstrations to demand action to prevent further global warming and climate change.
Publicity and widespread organising began when Greta Thunberg staged an action outside the Swedish Riksdag (parliament), holding a sign that read ‘Skolstrejk för klimatet’ or ‘School strike for climate’ during August 2018. Globally 15 March is expected to be the most widespread of strikes, with tens of thousands of children joined by university students, teachers, parents and all adults who care about a safe climate future. At least two dozen countries and nearly 30 US states are expected to walk out of school, supported by some of the world’s biggest environmental groups.
Here in Durban, the youth and various organisations are coming together to Action 4 Climate.
This serves as a notice and invitation for organisations, schools, and universities to get involved and get those creative juices flowing. Please bring your ideas to the table. Organisations that are helping facilitate the event so far are South African Youth Climate Coalition, Oceans Not Oil, Earthlife Africa Durban and the South Durban Community Environment Alliance. The youth in Cape Town are striking for climate and we would like to get as many young peole involved for the Durban event. The event needs to be family-friendly, creative and safe.
The youth are taking a stand against South Africa’s continued fossil fuel dependence. According to scientists, we have only 12 years to limit greenhouse gases to prevent climate change catastrophe. Already we are seeing the effects of climate change with droughts, wildfires and flooding. Many people are dying as a result of climate change and many millions more will die unless we act. The youth and the poor are and will be the worst affected. South Africa is a signatory to the Paris Climate Agreement and yet our government continues to allow for offshore oil and gas exploration with devastating impacts on marine life. Offshore oil and gas extraction will contribute to increased emissions of greenhouse gas emissions in South Africa. Furthermore South Africa plans to build more coal-fired power stations when renewable energy can serve our energy needs.
Why march?
*There is no bigger issue than climate change for our youth and our future – it will affect all aspects of life.
* Friday the 15th is Earth Day. The climate crisis is solvable, but some leaders and politicians are jeopardising our future by blocking real action. Climate change needs to be central to all policy and agendas, not a sideline issue.
* South Africa has 2x the global average, per person, carbon emission rate. This needs to change immediately.
* South African youth inspired by Greta Thunberg are rising up to join their peers across Europe, Australia and UK in peaceful protest against government inaction on climate change. Greta is persuading Swedish parliamentarians that the country should become fossil-fuel-free:
“The politics that’s needed to prevent the climate catastrophe—it doesn’t exist today. We need to change the system, as if we were in crisis, as if there were a war going on.” – Greta Thunberg
March details:
All participants to assemble at the 11:00 at the parking lot in the Durban Yacht Mall/ Marina, then to march right along Victoria Embankment / Margaret Mncadi Ave, crossing over into Dorothy Nyemba St. We’ll turn left into Anton Lembede St, with a seated salute to Greta Thunberg on the Playhouse side of City Hall. From there we’ll march to the Regional Energy Office at No. 275 to hand over a memorandum about using renewable energy to the Regional Director. There will be cultural activities here too – poetry, song, etc. From here we’ll move to the Department of Mineral Resources handing over another memorandum about quitting use of fossil-fuels in RSA. This is where the ‘die-in’ will happen – where participants take over the street by lying down and playing dead for 10 minutes. After this we will make our way left into Joe Slovo St heading back to the Marina.
The march is proposed to finish at 14:00.
*Route maps and details to be available. Please wear hats, sunblock and bring your own water and appropriate placard.
*This is a peaceful march with a ‘die-in’ planned at the end, where we lie on the street to push home the message.
* Fri 15th March is the last day of term and schools close at 11am. The #FridaysforFuture youth marches have been gaining momentum around the world and are now backed by teachers and academics.
*There will be adult marshals along route.
* This is a youth march ( scholars, students) but the young at heart are welcome.
* Join the #Youth4ClimateAction march in Durban WHATSAPP group via 083 7891 067
*Any queries or volunteer help –
* Lastly let’s have fun – creative art/ posters/ dance/ percussion clapping/ song and the handover of memorandum and die-in.
Join us in spirit if you can’t march
For those who can’t join us :
*Make placards and stand outside your school in the morning. Let your concerns be seen and heard. If you post your work with the hashtag #YouthStrike4ClimateDurban we will be able to find and share your excellent work.
* Have a minute’s silence at school or at work in support of the youth.
* Petition your local minister and ask what they’re doing to reduce carbon emissions.
* Engage all political parties and ask them what their energy plans would be and how they will work towards carbon neutrality.
#Youth4ClimateAction Durban March