The Rainbow’s Big Send-Off
Sunday 28 April
It’s a bittersweet jol at The Rainbow on Sunday 28 April. It is our great regret to mention that two of the eleven-strong Umkhumbane Jazz Ensemble music gurus have decided to retire as active musos in the music industry. Mr Moses Sefatsa, tenor saxophonist, and vocalist Adolph Kunene- both 85 years old, have decided to hang up their gloves in the music industry because of age and unstable health conditions- and The Rainbow, in conjunction with Concerts SA, Sagiya Foundation and eThekweni Municipality, are giving them a rousing send-off. The line-up includes Ilima Band, Just Friends, Mthobisi Mthalane, SimWave from Thee Legacy, Royal Son & Gabriel YoungStar “DJ” from SABC 1 & 2.
The concert acts as a fundraiser that will donate some revenue as a gift to these legends as a token of appreciation to their families for the sacrifices they have made.
UJE has more than a century of musical experience between them and have been giving out great vibes and grooves for such a long time that playing has become more of a reflex than a task. UJE have featured in big music festivals, such as Durban Jazz Festival, Ugu Jazz Festival, Umlazi Jazz Festival, and many corporate events. They released a long overdue debut album, Ezintabeni, in 2017 and, at The Rainbow, will be launching their new sound that incorporates Afro House and Cool Qgom. Their debut DVD will be shot at The Playhouse Company on 3 and 4 May 2019. The new sound they have created serves to attract youth and feature young blood in their musical performances and recording. The sound of DJ Youngstar spells out the concept, with academic flavour input by UJE drummer Atlas Duma, producer of UJE New Electronic Sound- as demonstrated in their single called Uzongithola.
Venue: The Rainbow
Date: Sunday 28 April
Time: 1- 5pm
Entrance: R100
Concerts SA is a joint South African/Norwegian live music development project housed within the SAMRO Foundation. Concerts SA receives financial, administrative and technical support from the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, SAMRO, the SAMRO Foundation and Concerts Norway. Working with musicians, promoters, venue owners and audiences, and providing support to the sector through research and skills development for music professionals, the project aims to build a vibrant and viable live music circuit in southern Africa. It also aims to develop an interest in and appreciation of live music by showcasing music performances and conducting workshops at schools. For more information please visit our website, follow @ConcertsSA on Twitter at or like us on Facebook at
Umkhumbane Jazz Ensemble Horn Hang Up Concert