Luh’ra Luv National Tour – February 2019
In association with Concerts SA, Cape Town-based singer and songwriter Luh’ra will be presenting live in the second half of February her debut EP, titled Luh’ra Luv, in Cape Town, Johannesburg, and Durban.
Accompanied by her golden guitar, the best way to describe Luh’ra’s music would be acoustic soul. She takes careful consideration to transform spaces through tranquil melodies, sharing personal feelings and moments through her lyrics, encouraging listeners to reflect on their own experiences.
Luh’ra has been avidly sharing her music for just under two years. An important part of engaging with Luh’ra’s music is space. She spends time creating and curating her own events. Her events are often in collaboration with other artists and musicians, paying careful attention to aesthetic details, allowing spectators to gently enter her world.
“I have quietly been working on recording a compilation of love songs. I have been performing my music in various spaces and events for almost two years now but taken time to release my music. Luh’ra Luv will be my first project which I will be releasing and it is an offering of love and kindness. I’ve chosen my first project to be a series of songs because my music is not necessarily about me, it is about the listener. Everyone understands love in their own way.”
For this tour, Luh’ra has put in a lot of consideration into the spaces which she has chosen to perform in, and the people who she have chosen to collaborate with. “Perchance, an opportunity arose to work with Andile Buka to create a few beautiful film photographs. It was not intentional for the imagery to accompany the project but the outcome was so undeniably perfectly matched.”
“Photography has always been something which has resonated with my soul. The spaces I choose to perform in are not always musical venues but always dear to me. It is a beautiful correlation that the two EP performances will be in photographic studios. I will be performing with a full band at 11/11 Photographic Studio and Creative Space in Cape Town. Justice Mukheli, my dear friend and esteemed photographer, has been so generous as to allow me an intimate second EP performance to happen in his studio at Victoria Yards, Johannesburg.”
Luh’ra’s Luv Tour will take place during February, the month of love, with the first event happening on Valentine’s Day. Luh’ra will be accompanied by Keegan Steenkamp on trumpet throughout the tour, where they will be performing in Cape Town, Joburg and Durban. For each performance in these cities, she will be joined by some of the brightest young luminaries of the local music scene.
“The rest of the tour I have found myself creating events with friends and musicians who I love and respect dearly. I am so pleased to be sharing spaces and stages with Boskasie, Red Robyn and Andy Mkosi during tour. Each of them musicians and vocalists whose work inspires me.”
Coinciding with the first stop of her national tour, Luh’ra Luv will be released online digitally on February 14, and will also be on sale as physical at all events.
Luh’ra’s Luv Tour is supported by Concerts SA through the Music Mobility Fund, a funding mechanism which offers opportunities for South African musicians to undertake live music tours.
Artist Links
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YouTube Hashtags: #Luhra #LuhraLuv #ConcertsSA #MobilityFund
Events Listing
Durban – Khaya Records
With Red Robyn and Keegan Steenkamp
Thursday 28 February – 7pm – R40 (online) / R50 (door)
Address: 48 Florida Road, Durban

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