Write to Right
Westville, Durban: 13 June to 8 August 2017
Write to Right is a specialised short interactive writing course which is being offered by two leading Durban-based creative thinkers – a physician Laura Campbell and an artist / theologian, Bernice Stott – as a vehicle to encourage healing and wellbeing.
“We are offering this course for anyone who would like to find healing through the art of writing or those who want to write about loss, love, and life’s challenges,” explains physician and writer Laura Campbell. “Writing keeps us healthy. It can prevent an illness occurring, progressing or recurring. Writing finds personalized meanings in times of change, struggle, loneliness, loss and illness,”
“Through our work in caring we know the power of writing. We know writing is an art, a spiritual journey, an emotional odyssey, but we importantly know it also as a science. Over many years, we have listened to patients, we have written and we have read the writings of others. The realization is the incredible healing power of writing. We have learned to understand that writing creatively and staying well can be matched to very recent breakthroughs in the neurological sciences,” explains theologian and artist, Bernice Stott.
Stott and Campbell have jointly created a course which teaches creative writing as a means of personal expression. “We want to help people transform their narrative of mismatched, confused, angry, despairing, sad words and mold them to beauty and magic,” considers Stott.
“We will also show you what is happening to your body when you write. What chemicals are released, why would these chemicals be useful, what parts of your brain are engaged and why would using these parts of your brain encourage health and contentment and acceptance?” adds Campbell.
Based in Westville, Campbell has worked and studied extensively abroad. An active writer, she recently won the Eileen Molver Trophy for Children`s Story (2017); was awarded second place in the South African Writers Circle First Chapter of a Novel Competition; and she came second in last year’s South African Writers Circle Annual Short Story Competition. She is a highly- qualified specialist family physician with a particular interest in palliative care and mental health.
Durban-based Bernice Stott is a highly respected practicing visual artist (working in various mediums) with academic qualifications in drama, visual art and theology. She has participated in a myriad solo and group exhibitions throughout South Africa and abroad. She has been a minister, a teacher, a facilitator and an artist. She offers Artists’ Way courses, based on the philosophy of Julia Cameron, and is a qualified Lifeline trainer. Stott has an active interest in the work of Jung and archetypes; and explores the intersection between social justice / arts / feminism / philosophy and theology.
Write to Right will be facilitated jointly by Laura Campbell and Bernice Stott. It is an affordable, nine session, weekly, small-group, bespoke writing course to explore the discipline of writing as catharsis. The course offers an unusual opportunity of linking the creative art of writing to the science of wellness. By the completion of the course, participants will have created a meaningful piece of writing and will have gained understanding into the neurosciences involved in writing and in health.
The course takes place from 13 June until 8 August 2017 in Westville. For more information, or to book contact laura@hss.co.za or bernicest@telkomsa.net / 031 209 8436.