Curtain up on Durban Youth Acting Masterclass
Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 October
Local performers have a possibility of a lifetime to learn from the best in the business at the upcoming Durban Youth Acting Masterclass taking place in Umbilo on Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 October.
Are you an aspiring actor between the ages of 18 and 25 years old, based in Durban, and wanting to grow your skill set as an artist? Then you should be signing up for the free Durban Youth Acting Masterclass with sessions focusing on stage and screen acting.
20 selected participants will have the opportunity to build their acting skill sets through engaging with and learning from nine Durban theatre and film professionals over the weekend. Facilitators include Bryan Hiles, Cara Roberts, Mpilo Straw Nzimande, Belinda Henwood, Mthokozisi Zulu, Nadine Ndlovu, Blessing Xaba and Stephanie Jenkins.
The workshop funded by the National Arts Council, will be divided into two halves, with the first day exploring acting for the stage – focusing on the use of the body and voice in theatre and grounding this in scene work. The second day will focus on the techniques necessary for screen acting – considering the technical requirements and acting skills needed when working with a camera. Creating engaging content, self-marketing, auditioning and industry tips will also be a focus of the masterclass.
Applications close on Sunday 8 September 2024 at midnight. No late or incomplete applications will be considered.
Please note the requirements to qualify for the masterclass:
– Participants must be 18 years of age and no older than 25 years old on the 12 October 2024;
– Participants must be based in Durban;
– Each participant is responsible for their own transport to and from the venue;
– Only those available for BOTH days of the masterclass will be considered;
– Prior study or experience is not a pre-requisite.
If you would like to fine tune your talents, be centre stage and in the spotlight, then please contact Masterclass Coordinator, Stephanie Jenkins to find out details. Interested youngsters must note that the application includes the submission of a short video of a monologue chosen from the monologues provided in the application form only.
For further queries please email Jenkins on