The Denis Hurley Centre Annual Stakeholders Meeting and Anniversary Commemorations
Denis Hurley Centre – 2.30pm on Sat 8 Feb 2025.
The Denis Hurley Centre Annual General Meeting, stakeholder report back and commemorative prayers will be taking place on Sat 8 Feb at 2.30pm.
The annual Hurley Weekend is held every year on the weekend closest to Archbishop Hurley’s death (on 13 Feb 2004). This year marks 21 years since his passing, and 11 years since the Denis Hurley Centre laid its foundation stone.
The Denis Hurley Centre Annual General Meeting, stakeholder report back and commemorative prayers will be taking place on Sat 8 Feb at 2.30pm. Part of the AGM event will be a chance to feed back on the DHC’s financial performance and deliverable outcomes over the past year, and to look at the future, which includes some restructuring and changes to staff responsibilities.
Director Raymond Perrier adds: “One extra feature of the AGM this year will be the presence of Leona Theron, one of our Patrons and a Justice on the Constitutional Court (South Africa’s equivalent of the Supreme Court). She will be reflecting on the role of the legal system in protecting the vulnerable, 40 years after both Archbishop Hurley and Paddy Kearney were targeted by the Apartheid-era legal system in an attempt to silence them. Early in 1985, +Hurley was almost put on trial because of information that he was sharing about horrific activities by the Apartheid state in Namibia. And then later in the same year, Paddy was detained without charge and +Hurley succeeded in challenging the detention in a landmark court case and ensuring Paddy’s release. While such blatant political manipulation of the courts may not happen anymore, we still live in a country in which the rights enshrined in the Constitution are not enjoyed equally by ‘all who live within our borders’.
Another key element of the AGM will be the Annual Barry Wood Awards for outstanding service by a staff member and by a volunteer. Barry was Auxiliary Bishop of Durban and so we are delighted that the awards this year will be presented by the new Auxiliary Bishop of Durban, Rt Rev Elias Zondi.
This will be followed by special Memorial Masses at Emmanuel Cathedral at 5pm on Saturday and then at 8am and 10.30am on Sunday 11 Feb. All are welcome.
For more information, email:
Good to Know:
2025 Hurley Weekend at the DHC
Saturday 8 February
2.00-2.45pm: Tea and a chance to catch up with old friends
2.30-4.30pm: Annual Stakeholders Meeting including
– Report on restructuring of DHC
– Justice Leona Theron reflecting on 40 years after the Hurley/ Paddy trials
– Director’s Report and Question & Answer session
– 2024 Bishop Barry Wood Awards for Outstanding Service presented by Bishop Elias Zondi
5.00-6.30pm At Emmanuel Cathedral, Memorial Mass and Candlelit Procession to the Shrine of Archbishop Hurley with presider and preacher Bishop Elias Zondi
Sunday 9 February
07.00am – Memorial Mass in English in Emmanuel Cathedral
Safe paid parking behind Emmanuel Cathedral and beneath Victoria Street Market
Denis Hurley AGM This Saturday