Dear Cadres of Comedy,
Saturday Night Live has unleashed a new skit on their President-Elect’s recent press conflagration. Within minutes The Donald once again rose to the occasion and tweeted his displeasure and his disgust, among the rotary of familiar monosyllabic retorts.
So let it be broadcast across the globe and into the clouds: the next and 45th President of the United States of America is undoubtedly the greatest gift to satire, comedy, derision and loud guffaws since Margaret Thatcher wielded her handbag and Jacob Zuma took his non-golden shower. Let us all welcome President Trump with a daily tsunami of gibes, cartoons, jokes, slogans, tweets, twats and toots in celebration of his coronation and knowing that for the first time in history, the leader of the free world will never be able to sleep because of the thousand tantrums of tweets he would have to send in response to a world’s sarcastic smile.
Alert the other Clowns and Cadres worldwide.
Our day has come.
Pieter-Dirk Uys