Memorial Hall at Hilton Arts Festival: 11 & 12 August
So, you want to be a Trophy Wife is a one woman show, written and performed by Cape Town based, Sue Deipeveen, which comes to the Hilton Arts Festival on 11 and 12 August.
In a world awash with “influencers” and “blessers”, Marie is swamped! Feeling invisible and desperate, her only hope is to find herself a rich husband. Easier said than done. She also needs to make a few changes to attract said rich man. Can mutton really be dressed up as lamb? Does it want to be? Laugh along with Marie as she explores her options in a world of unbelievable expectations, where success and happiness are mercurial.
This one-woman production was conceived by Sue Deipeveen and saw one outing as a test run back in 2016. Since then, the piece has been refined by writer and performer under the insightful watch of director Wynne Bredenkamp.
“The character of Marie was really born from an aunt of mine who was rather unsophisticated in her thinking and who was content to go along with what her family and friends thought and easily influenced. I started questioning if her life was actually happier because she didn’t rock any boats. Perhaps all this soul searching makes us discontent?” says Sue Diepeveen.
“When creating this production, I spent a lot of time researching norms that feed into the belief that we are objects to be used and abused as men see fit. I started asking myself if women put themselves in harm’s way precisely because they perpetuate this thinking unconsciously – why do we go out of our way to keep our legs shaved? Do we do it to feel more comfortable or is it a need to be more attractive to men?” says Diepeveen.
The production was set to make its debut at the National Arts Festival in Makhanda (formerly Grahamstown) in 2020 but had to enjoy a digital debut instead. The production went on to enjoy successful runs at both The Drama Factory and 44 On Long later that year. 2022 saw the production touring successfully to Paternoster, the Umtiza Festival in East London and up to Johannesburg for a two-week run at Theatre on the Square, and ended the year with two performances at Toyota US Woordfees.
Audiences have called So You Want to be a Trophy Wife? “funny, poignant, different” and “Beautifully written and performed”
More info:
Tickets at Webtickets.
DAYS & TIMES FRI 11 AUG 19H30; SAT 12 AUG 18H30
COST R 160
So, You Want To Be A Trophy Wife?