Keeping The Flu Bugs At Bay!

It is now officially autumn. In theory we should soon be enjoying cooler weather and longer evenings. Change in season also often means an increase in colds and flu. 130 or so Durbanites are doing their very best to keep the flu bugs at bay. They are rehearsing for the Passion Play and really don’t want to get sick!
What has become a Passion Play tradition is the serving of “shots” at rehearsal. Nothing untoward of course (being Lent) rather a potent “Flu Brew” to keep everyone healthy.
The Durban Catholic Players’ Guild present the15th Durban Passion Play, fondly known as the “Oberammergau of Africa” performed by a large cast of 130 people who volunteer their time and skills as part of their Lenten preparations. It comes to the Playhouse Drama Theatre from 6 – 16 April for a 14-performance season over Easter. (Book at Webtickets).
The Flu Brew is:
3 litres boiling water.
8 lemons, squeezed.
3 roots of ginger peeled and sliced.
3 sticks cinnamon.
6 cloves.
100ml honey.
Bring all ingredients to the boil. Simmer for 20 minutes and strain.
Drink hot or cold.

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