A Bouquet of Beethoven ends KZNPO’S 2020 Summer Season.
Durban City Hall: Thurs 27 Feb & 5 March @ 7.30pm
Signed performance: Durban Passion Play
Playhouse Drama: Saturday 4 April at 2.30 in the afternoon
Karishma Kallichuran (I Can! Corporate Disability Solutions in Durban North) (front centre) demonstrates “deaf” and “music” in Sign language to (left to right) Jan Jiracek von Arnim (guest pianist performing with the KZNPO); David Spiteri (actor performing in the Durban Passion Play) and Yasuo Shinozaki (guest conductor with the KZNPO).
There are two opportunities in Durban to honour the Deaf. Lovers of the music of Beethoven are in for a treat for the final two weeks of the KZNPO Summer Symphony Season taking place on Thursday evenings in the Durban City Hall, with multiple Beethoven pieces on the programme this Thursday and next as the KZNPO joins orchestras around the world in celebrating Beethoven’s 250th birth anniversary this year.
Beethoven famously composed much of his magnificent music when he was hard of hearing and ultimately completely deaf.
There is one performance of the Passion Play which will be Signed for members of the audience who are deaf and hearing impaired on Saturday 4 April at 2.30 in the afternoon. Known as the “Oberammergau of Africa”, the Durban Catholic Players’ Guild will present the 15th Durban Passion Play at the Playhouse Drama Theatre from 25 March until 12 April which strives to restore the true meaning of Easter with a cast of 130 volunteers. It is an epic scale dramatic production covering the final period of Jesus’ life.
• Tickets to the KZNPO concerts are through Computicket
• Tickets to the Passion Play are through Webtickets

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