If time or apathy has erased some of South African history from your memory, Tannie Evita does a fine job of jogging the ‘facts’ of the development of our land, from the time of Van Riebeek till the present, back into the forefront of your thoughts.
Peter Dirk Uys portrays Tannie Evita as being first and foremost a proud South African, who happens not to be black. Through her he regales us with many examples of why we should share his passionate belief that we have the potential to be one of the greatest examples of democracy in modern times. Whilst he uses the vehicle of satire, wit and double entendre to get his points across, he tempers his blows with subtle humour; leaving us with the clear lesson that politicians are to be questioned rather than simply hated.
From rumours of being molested by Donald Trump in a lift in New York to the gardens of Tuinhuis, Tannie Evita takes us on a rollicking ride through our history, debunking many myths, taking the mickey and reminding us of how fortunate we really area. Her heroes are Mandela and Desmond Tutu, her whipping boys are Trump, Zuma and Julius Malema.
Since his pre 1994 shows, when P.W. Botha bore the brunt of his acerbic wit, Pieter Dirk Uys has remained true; he is up to date with current affairs and attacks the politician that dares to step over the line of what is right, fair and decent; not the person simply because they happen to be in a position of authority.
The closing scene is a classic example of the consummate skill of the artist who is Pieter Dirk Uys; Tannie Evita playing Nkosi Sikelel iAfrica, with one finger, on an old piano.
A highly recommended engagement with one of South Africa’s most human celebrities!
Some tips : in Q&A time be honest – if you hale from a foreign county don’t be condescending when Tannie asks you where you are from, she knows that Liverpool is in the North of England and will punish you with a few sharp barbs if you doubt her geography.
And if you have the recipe for a decent bread and butter pudding please write it down and give it her after the show.